We’re all Weak


Perfectionism is a myth

We’re all weak we’re all bleak
We’re like muppets on a stage depending on ropes for action and God holds the ropes
Too often we try to take center stage alone and fall down face down
We all need emotional support now and then
When we debunk the myth and accept that we’re all weak and meek and venerable,
we tap into the strength of the King and reign as Princes and Princesses.

17 thoughts on “We’re all Weak

  1. This is such a beautiful and profound poem, you speak so much truth! There is real strength in weakness, and you’ve really highlighted the importance of accepting that none of us are perfect πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  2. We are all works-in-progress. We will always be striving for perfection but we are never perfect. Thus should keep us humble and focused on God for our help. Our strength is in him only.
    This poem is wonderful. I will like to re-share it.


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